Library Services

Library Services

Student Services 

The Library provides a full range of services,  resources and assistance for all our students, both resident and distance. As always, the library is dedicated to your success.

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Library Spaces

Group Study Rooms

Group Study Room Policy (PDF)

Group study rooms are for the exclusive use of Utica University students for academic purposes. Because these study rooms are in high demand, they are not available for faculty, classes, or other group use.

All rooms must be signed out at the Circulation Desk and require a valid Utica University Student ID.

The five study rooms can be reserved up to seven days in advance by groups of 2 or more registered students. When not reserved, they are available for on-demand sign-out by Utica University students only. To reserve a group study room, call 792-3041 or stop by the Circulation Desk.

Library staff reserve the right to refuse or limit the use of the group study rooms.

Library Classroom

The Kelly Teaching & Learning Center classroom is glass enclosed, with 24 computer stations and two large display monitors. The classroom is at the center of the newly configured Learning Commons on the first floor of the Library. Although designated for library instruction, it serves as an open lab for students when it is not in use by library staff.

Library Conference Room

The conference room is located on the first floor of the library behind the Reference section.
  • Use is at the discretion of the Library Director.
  • When not scheduled for use by library staff, the room is available as a study space on a first come, first served basis.   

Exhibit Spaces

The Library invites the campus community to use Library Exhibit Spaces for display purposes.

Library Exhibit Policy

Special Collections

The Special Collections Room on the second floor of the Library houses two collections: the Jocelyn Romano Candido Rare Book Collection and the Harry F. Jackson Welsh Collection.

For information on use of Special Collections and materials, see the Small Adobe Acrobat Icon Library Special Collections Use Policy.   

Walter D. Edmonds Room

The Edmonds Room on the second floor of the Library houses Edmonds's personal library, correspondence, and other items. It is primarily used as a space for peer tutors and can be signed out at the circulation desk with a tutor badge and Utica University ID. Food and drinks are not permitted in the Edmonds Room.


Contact Us

Frank E. Gannett Library

Frank E. Gannett Library

1600 Burrstone Road
Utica, NY 13502-4892
(315) 792-3041
(315) 792-3361 (fax)

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